Terms & Conditions

  1. All payments are non-refundable.
  2. Ad-World will display the Client’s services by affixing the advertisment to an ad-board at the location agreed, for the agreed period.
  3. Two months before the expiration of the agreement the client will be given the opportunity to renew the contract for a further period agreed at this time.
  4. The Client will pay the amounts specified with payment for the advertising to be paid before the board is installed.
  5. Failure to pay the remaining balance and/or return artwork by the due date, will result in loss of initial deposit paid due to the cost incurred.  We will endeavour to arrange alternativeplacement of your advertisement, at the Ad-Worlds Management discretion.
  6. No space shall be occupied by any advertisement objectionable to the client or the responsible local authority.  Where objection is made to the advertisement the company may withdraw the advertisement from display.  Where the advertisement is withdrawn from display the liability of the company to the client shall be limited to a proportionate refund of the amount paid by the client to the company under clause  4.
  7. Ad-World reserves the right to utilise all adverts supplied/reproduced by Ad-World for its own promotion and marketing purposes.
  8. We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any 3rd parties.